2020 Predictions – Year of Uranus


January is a month of intrigue, as it is the first month of the New year and opens up a whole field of future Possibilities.

2020 is a Universal Year Number 4 – Year of Uranus. The number 4 has strong links with the electric and exciting planet Uranus and its zodiac sign of Aquarius. Therefore, our affairs will be ruled throughout 2020 by dramatic events which will surprise us and unnerve you both in your professional and personal life. So, be prepared!

You will be able to achieve many things in 2020 and your dreams are likely to come true, but you mustn’t be distracted or scattered with your energies. You’ll be breaking through your own self – limitations and this will present challenges from your family and friends. You’ll want to be independent and develop your spiritual powers and nothing will stop you.

Try to maintain discipline and an orderly lifestyle so you can make the most of these special energies this year. If unexpected things happen, it’s not a bad idea to have an alternative plan so you don’t lose momentum.

You want something radical, something different in your relationships this year. It’s quite likely that you will take steps to experiment with your love life and friendships. If your partner and you are both radical types, then you are sure to have fun.

Socially you will be drawn to some very unusual people, whom you will feel especially bonded within a spiritual sense. Those of you who have been unhappy in your current relationships will want to ditch everything for excitement and passion which may not work out in the long run, so think carefully before you throw the baby out with the bathwater!

Technology, computing and the internet will play a major role in your professional life throughout 2020 and you will have to move ahead with the times and learn new skills if you want to achieve success. Being a team player will be even more important in gaining satisfaction from your personal endeavours.

Australia’s Anti-Terror Laws are tightened up.
Bizarre weather conditions will continue to plague Australia and our neighbouring countries.
The World will be stunned at the amazing breakthroughs in engineering, architecture, and medicine.
The Race for outer Space and exploring other planets will be back on.
Donald Trump will win the USA election in November.
Australia remains the lucky country in mineral-rich resources and infrastructure
A major shakeup in The Liberal National Party as Mr Morison faces deceit from his own party.
Earthquakes and other geological events will be disturbing and surprising.


Jupiter In Capricorn Conjuncts Pluto December 3rd 2019 – December 20th 2020

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is going to make the general outlook serious and attentive, with considerable awareness of your own worth, both in your personal life and in your career. Your goals are well defined and you know how to mobilise your talents and resources to achieve them.

However, you must not be disappointed when your plans do not work out quickly. You need to see this period of time as one for gaining experience and knowledge. In the long run, you will be paid many times over for your patience in working through frustrating experiences.

Saturn is the Policeman of the zodiac so be very careful of wanting to buck the system or to break laws, as you will be forced to toe the line.

Those of you who work in industrial management, business enterprises, law, politics, engineering or architecture will find them promising fields. If you maintain a responsible, duty-bound outlook you will be a credit to your profession.

In family life, it will be necessary to bend a little if you want to enjoy happy and fulfilling relationships. Don’t be afraid to admit when you are wrong, as this will only add to your strengths. Be very careful of being controlling or domineering, as this will not bring you the respect you desire. There will be a tendency to put career before love life and your personal happiness will be affected by this. Do your best to find a work/life balance!

Full Moon - January 10th Cancer. New Moon - January 24th Aquarius. Saturn in forward thinking, humanitarian, pioneering and stubborn Aquarius Squares, opinionated and unyielding Taurus in Uranus – March 23rd 2020 to March 8th 2023. 

Whilst 2020 is going to be a year of achievements through hard work it is also going to be a time of unexpected clashes and one of the best pieces of advice that I can give you is that the quicker you learn to walk away from discussions or should I say arguments, that seem to go nowhere the happier you will be.  You will have to concede defeat even if you know that you right on many occasions!

ARIES: March 21 st – April 20th With Venus entering Pisces on January 14th – February 8th you will be alerted to the fact that you can no longer ignore certain harsh realities.  An error of judgement is likely to cause confusion for someone close.  It might not be the easiest thing to admit your mistake, but it will be well worth the agony once this has passed. Once Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 23rd the focus will be on your friends and group activities. unexpected gains and losses on the money front are also likely, so don’t gamble your house away.  2020 will see you moving on socially to a more innovative group of friends. There may be a surprisingly disruptive element this year and one which could change your outlook on life completely.    

TAURUS: April 21st – May 21st It will be necessary for you to learn new methods if, for instance, you were to move to a new house at this time, you would have to come to grips with interior decorating or gardening. You may learn to sew, drive a car or bring your work skills up to date.  If you have school – aged children, you will be dealing with educational matters on their behalf and may be drawn into their activities.  Once Saturn enters Aquarius on March 23rd the focus shifts onto your career life and you will find yourself dealing a lot more with the bosses or those in places of authority. Business methods will be important and if you are not used to working in a structured way than you will learn to do so extremely quickly.

GEMINI: May 22nd – June 21st Mars moves into your house of relationships on January 4th – February 17th, so if anything is going to stir up those hormones, I’m afraid that it is this configuration.  However, try not to act impulsively, otherwise you may live to regret it.  there’s no reason at all why you can’t satisfy your sexual appetite, but if you do so at the expense of someone else’s feelings there will be trouble.  Once Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 23rd it shifts your focus on to overseas travel plans and dealing with foreigners.  You are being warned to be careful of being overconfident when it comes to dealing with relationships, or special occasions you may have planned. Don’t leave anything to chance or everything is sure to go haywire.

CANCER: June 22nd – July 22nd With the Full moon in your sign on January 10th you are being warned to be careful of what you say and how you act.  Not everyone may be tolerant of your temper tantrums or arrogance. Unless you want someone special to exit your life permanently than be mindful of your behaviour and learn to think before you speak.  Once Saturn moves into your 8th house on March 23rd the focus is placed on joint properties and joint possessions which will need to be sorted out and you must guard against a sense of greed.  There may be family or business wrangles, especially over property.  These problems would be typical of a divorce, the end of a business partnership or a death in the family.

LEO: July 23rd – August 23rd Venus is in your career house from January 14th – February 8th it seems as though certain blocks that may have prevented you from moving forward career wise are going to be removed.  The planets seem to be suggesting that you have what it takes to solve a tricky financial situation.  You also have the authority to delegate to those around you.  Use it and leave yourself free to go where you want, when you want.  Once Saturn moves in Aquarius on March 23rd your focus will be on your intimate relationships and partnerships are going to be of paramount importance to you.  However, not all relationships are going to be pleasant as there could be some major confrontations especially with women.

VIRGO: August 24th – September 23rd  Mercury moves into your house of intimate relationships January 1st – January 14th and you will be forced to confront certain emotional issues head on and unless you do so you will be forced into eventually making decisions that you will long regret.  True, these may be challenging and confusing times, but the impact you are about to make will delight everybody including yourself.  Once Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 23rd the focus will be on your work -life and your health.  It’s quite likely there may be a good deal of change going on at work, and if you can embrace this challenge then you’ll have precious little to fear.  It will also be necessary to get yourself into better shape in order to handle the challenges that lay ahead. 

LIBRA: September 24th – October 23rd Mars is in your house of short distance journeys from January 4th – February 17th and further energises you so that it makes it impossible for you to sit still for any length of time. Mind you, if you’re really lucky, this could be due to the fact that there are so many social occasions for you to attend that you are rushed off your feet.  If you are single, then it is quite likely that this will lead to romance, but don’t expect it to last very long.  Once Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 23rd the focus is on children and younger people. This is often the time when a mother is at the height of her involvement with a growing family. If you don’t have children, you will find yourself acting as a mentor to others at work!

SCORPIO: October 24th – November 22nd With the New Moon, Mercury and Venus in your 4th house the focus is on your home and family life.  There is certainly going to be an element of change which may include renovations, investment or move of property.  If this does not involve you directly you will certainly be involved with helping close friends or family, make changes in their lives.  This definite domestic slant is certainly going to temporarily anchor you to your home.  Once Saturn makes a move into Aquarius on March 23rd your focus will be on achieving things as part of a team.  At work this may mean that you become a team leader.  In your personal life you will be spending time researching family history or reconnecting with relatives that you have not seen for some time.

SAGITTARIUS: November 23rd – December 21st Mars moves into your own sign on the 4th of January and energises your whole chart.  You begin a part of the year where you must be prepared to take on all opportunities that come your way without too much suspicion.  You are going to have plenty of confidence at this time and your sunny disposition will increase your social activity.  Keep in circulation and do not retreat into too much work.  You are attracting a good deal of compliments and quite a few propositions so why not enjoy it.  Once Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 23rd the focus is on education, teaching and public speaking.  This will be a time of mental exploration and you could take courses at your local college, at evening classes or embark at online studies.

CAPRICORN: December 22nd – January 20th  Happy Birthday Capricorn! With the Sun, New moon and Mercury all energising your financial house placing the focus on ways to increase your cash and income which will not be too difficult as opportunities will be all around you.  However, you must be careful of the urge to splurge unnecessarily.  Others seem to place a higher value on your talents and resources than you do.  However, what transpires this month teaches you to have more confidence and self-belief.  Once Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 23rd the focus is on building security for the future, on being seen as a man or woman of property and getting your fiscal position looking healthy and strong!

AQUARIUS: January 21st – February 19th With Mercury and the New Moon falling directly in your sign this month it is time for a complete fresh start in all areas of your life.  Many of you will be moving home, changing jobs or perhaps even moving states or countries this year.  There will be new family groupings resulting from marriage, childbirth or divorce and if you have been sitting in a marriage or a job which has been long worn out than this is the time when you will do something about it. All the familiar patterns of your life will be changing quickly, both of their own volition and with your help.  Once Saturn moves into your own sign on March 23rd you will be able to focus on rebuilding your life.  It will also be necessary for you to take greater care of your health!  

PISCES: February 20th – March 20th With Venus in your own sign on the 14th you are going to be looking good and feeling good and it is likely to be either a highly romantic time or a fun sociable one.  Even at work you are light – hearted and jovial, which makes the hours positively whizz past.  The planets seem to be spreading happiness and light over your relationships.  You want to be nice to everyone, though you are sometimes not clear what you are trying to say.  Look after your health and energy as you need to be on top form for the year ahead.  Once Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 23rd the focus is on the inner you and learning what makes you tick.  Some of you will be looking at retirement or taking a leave of absence.

Courtesy Francis Bevan



My biggest satisfaction throughout my 36 years of business is the connection I have with my established clients and building new relationships with my followers from Psychic TV, the Fitzy and Wippa Breakfast Show NOVA and the many expos that I attend during the year. 

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