Are Food Additives Linked to Increased Children’s Cancer Rates?

Healthy food concept. The hand of the laboratory assistant is holding a magnifier, a cupcake decorated with tablets with the names of additives E. Food Laboratory

 From 1983 – 2014 Childhood Cancers Increase By 35 Percent1

Why?’ and ‘How?’ has this happened?


Childhood cancers are one area of concern, that food additives may contribute to poor health within many nations.

If additives to food products are less than 5% that additive does not have to appear on the ingredient panel of the food packaging.

Sugar is used in almost all processed food from breads: cakes, ready-made meals, lollies, desserts, fruit drinks (health and otherwise), yogurts and many other foods. In 1957, Dr William Coda Martin identified sugar as a poison. His comment to the question: ‘when is food a food and when is poison a poison?’ ‘Medically: any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body which causes or may cause disease.’2

In 1809, Paul Sabatier, a Nobel Prize winner developed a process to take fish or whale oil into human, consumable food oils. The process allowed fish oils to be heated to high degrees which allowed the fat to become solid. This was the first commercial trans-fat. Trans fats are responsible for many of the illnesses seen today including heart conditions and associated illnesses. Trans fats are used in cakes, biscuits, previously cooked commercial foods, including ready-made baked meals, doughnuts (which are made up of 50% of trans fat), and many other foods. Many trans fats do not leave the body, so why is this?

In nature and with all fresh or uncontaminated food meaning: no processed sugar added, no contaminated fats as in margarine, low cholesterol margarine added, and other commercial fats added.

Fresh fats, which occur naturally from the animal or are plant derived have their molecules left intact. They are not interfered with through hydrogenation. Hydrogenation is a process which changes the molecular structure of the hydrogen chain in food. Hydrogenation, through intense heating, moves molecules and makes them useful in commercial food production. Molecules are everywhere and in all the foods we eat. Molecules exist in the air we breathe, if they were not, we would not have an oxygen supply to our lungs. Over many human generations and once eaten, the enzymes in our guts have recognised good, wholesome and natural food. Now, with food tampering and hydrogenation taking place, the working enzymes in our guts are no longer able to recognise the contaminated food molecules when digested. Therefore, contaminated molecules are not processed in the normal way by the body’s system and cannot be part of the faeces which naturally leave the body. If we draw on an analogy: It’s a bit like looking for a car park when you are driving a farm tractor and want to park it in a city car park! The parking lot has been built to take everyday motor vehicles only!

Sugars and fats are just a part of the 21st Century Food Story. Rice has been used for thousands of years as a food source, but rice in itself can be a direct poison to babies and young children. Because of over farming, watering from recycled water and the natural accumulation of arsenic in the soil, rice is now considered a chemical and health hazard. There are no long-term studies to date of how arsenic will affect long-term health. Rice cakes, rice drinks and general rice products should not be given to babies or young children.

Free running table salt has been used daily and for generations by cooks all around the world. Free running table salt looks like salt, tastes like salt but is not salt. Much of the world’s free running salt is made from crude oil flakes. Through many processes the flakes are bleached with chemicals, dried and made into free running salt that sits on many meal tables at: schools, hotels, restaurants, airports, shopping centre food halls and more. We need to ask the question: does our gut enzyme have the ability to extract this salt out of our systems? Possibly not and yet again, where does this so-called salt park itself in our bodies?

Caffeine is another additive that is daily ingested by many young and older people. There is not enough natural caffeine from naturally growing plants to provide either the ‘junk food’ or ‘junk drink’ industries with sufficient commercial caffeine. During World War Two, because of food embargos, the Nazi regime could not import caffeine. The answer was to develop and make this needed product. Synthetic caffeine is made from ammonia which is, again, heated to an extreme temperature. This heating produces urea. This chemical process undergoes many steps of change including exposure to methylene chloride, ethyl acetate and carbon dioxide. When the original processing is completed the substance glows. The glow is removed by rinsing with acetic acid, chloroform, sodium carbonate and sodium nitrite. These processes produce synthetic caffeine found in many foods and drinks available on the supermarket shelf, in road side services, cafes, general food outlets including airports, pubs, public bars, train and coach stations, fast food take away outlets and many other retail food and convenience food stores.

Additive numbers and additives: food additives are now widely used in our bought foods and drinks. As technology advances, if food manufacturers aren’t stopped or put on notice, additives will become so advanced we will not have any idea of the ingredients within our manufactured food or drink. Already additives are hidden in many food and drink products. For example, palm oil and palm extracted additives have over 300 different brand names. Some food manufacturers are now only giving the additive name and not the number of the additive used. For the consumer, this makes additive identification difficult and confusing.

Food additives found in children’s food and drink, include MSG; these are dangerous additives and should be banned in the food industry. These additive numbers include: (330 Citric Acid), (620 L-glutamic acid) and (621 Monosodium L-glutamate). The majority of MSG, a by-product of seaweed, is produced in Japan. MSG has been found in baby food and formula, some children’s food and in a range of food in everyday bought food stuff. MSG is classified as an excitotoxin and stimulates the neurons within the brain. Children or babies who appear to enjoy MSG added food or milk formulas are doing so because of the stimulation of the neurons within their brain. This can be particularly damaging for children, whose brains are still developing. Development of the brain continues up to the age of 6 or 7 years. If a mother eats MSG added food, research has shown that brain deformities may occur while the embryo or foetus is developing.

Other additives in children’s food and drink to AVOID: 122 Azorubine or Carmoisine, C114720 – is an artificial food colour derived from coal tar; 150c Caramel III, can be produced from genetically produced crops; 242 Dimethyl dicarbonate DMDC – is a synthetic and dangerous toxin and yeast inhibitor; 514 Sodium sulphates (i) Sodium sulphate, (ii) Sodium hydrogen sulphate or Sulphate of soda and 951 Aspartame, Nutrasweet, Equal. Found in powdered soft drinks, children’s soft drinks and many readily available food products.

Research is showing that more childhood and adult illnesses, including many cancers, are being attributed to food additives, especially with the additives MSG and Aspartame.3

1 Childhood Cancer Registry (CCQLD, Nov 2017)
2 Dr William Coda Martin Michigan Organic News, March 1957, p. 3.
3 Please see Excitotoxins – The Taste That Kills – Dr Russell Blaylock MD
Christine Thompson-Wells Author: Devils In Our Food, Professional Educator, BA Education, Dip of Teach, MACEA – Article17 Conscious Living Magazine

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