How I Attained Freedom from the Personal Me – Bob Harwood’s Story


In this fascinating conversation on with Rick Archer, Bob Harper sheds light on his journey of awakening to freedom. He shares how he used various meditation practices from silent zen meditation to walking with awareness until he realized the answer to his question: “How is it possible to stay in a unity-conscious state of mind permanently rather than oscillating between a sense of selfhood and no-self?”

Between the ages of 20 and 40, Bob Harwood was consumed with a wide range of existential questions, but despite endless thinking and reading, he never found a single answer.

Due to some business-related stress at the age of 40, I started a simple meditative exercise as a way to acquire some peace of mind, and within two weeks a major insight occurred that led to more meditative activities. Five months later a huge cosmic-consciousness event answered seven of my questions and catapulted me into a different reality. I then concluded that all answers were “within,” and for the next 15 years, I went on silent meditation retreats with Christians, Buddhists, and Advaita groups during which all of my other questions were answered. Nevertheless, I still did not feel free. Then, a new question arose, “How is it possible to stay in a unity-conscious state of mind permanently rather than oscillating between a sense of selfhood and no-self?” In 1999, after a deep experience of gratitude on a solo hiking retreat, “the little guy in the head” (the sense of a personal “me”) totally vanished, and the result was freedom, contentment, and understanding.

Ben Harwood is the Author of  Pouring Concrete: A Zen Path to the Kingdom of God – Expanded Edition

Interview with Rick Archer

You can find more interviews with Rick Archer at Buddha at the Gas Pump 


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This interview is published Courtesy of  Buddha at the Gas Pump (

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