Welcome to July, a month filled with transformative energies and opportunities for growth. Adamus St Germain shares his profound insights on the end of the OLD Earth timeline, and Rick Archer, host of Buddha at the Gas Pump shares his story of awakening. Be inspired by Rachel Lang’s captivating astrology column, a time to take stock of your dreams and present reality.
In our pursuit of well-being, find out why it is important to pay attention to your diet. Explore the benefits of coriander seed in your culinary adventures. Antonia Ruhl reminds us that a balanced diet is not just about what you eat but also about how well your body absorbs nutrients. Learn the importance of mindful eating and nourishing yourself from within. Check out the events for this month.. You might find something that you have been waiting for! Together, let’s embrace the transformative energies of this month and create the life filled with abundance, joy, and fulfilment we desire.
Enjoy this issue as we send it with our love, Jacquie, and Patricia |
Contents: Latest Issue
Editor’s Pick – Spiritual Awakening
 End of Old Earth Timeline with Adamus Saint Germain channelled by Geoffery Hoppe in an interview on  Just Tap In with Emilio Ortiz
“A Conversation with Rick Archer of Buddha at the Gas Pump – My Spiritual Awakening!” was presented to Spiritual Awakenings International on May 18, 2024.
What’s Making News in Health
6 Health Benefits of Coriander Seeds
Personal Growth
Surrender and Accept by Debbie Paull
Practitioner Spotlight
Sarah Westerway : An Introduction to Best Healing Solutions
Reimagining and Opening to New Awareness by Rachel Lang
New Moon in Cancer July 5th by Astrologer Pam Gregory
Invitation to Meditate for World PeaceÂ
 Plastic Free July 2024 Invites You to Take Action Today
Global Online Community Event and FilmÂ
Where Olive Trees Weep: Unveiling the Struggles and Resilience of the Palestinian People   Extended viewing until July 31st due to popular demand.  This profoundly moving Film features Dr Gabor Mate  as he offers trauma-healing work to a group of Palestinian women tortured in Israeli prisons.
Events and Courses
Dr. Sandra Cabot’s Seminars in Brisbane and Darwin in JulyÂ
BHS Select Introductory Module w/Sarah
Participate in the live, group conference call online or by phone via Zoom,
July 12 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm PDT
Festival of Love,  Sunday, July 21, at the Cannington Exhibition Centre and Showgrounds!
Books and Music – BlueWolf Reviews
🕮 Model Minority Gone Rogue by Qin Qin
🕮 The Way Through the Woods by Rebecca Beattie
♪ Komorebi Sunlight through the trees by Deuter
♪ Spirit Guides by Sherry Finzer
Go to https://vfrkjd1b804.c.updraftclone.com/category/magazine to read moreÂ
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Enjoy this issue as we send it with our love, Jacquie, and Patricia
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