Gareth Owen tells his remarkable story when he saw a future earth in a regression session with Dolores Cannon, in her Hypnotherapy Training Course Â
“Are you all right?†enquired a grey-haired lady looking out the window of her matching grey four-wheel drive. “Yes thanks, we are OK,†replied the two figures crouched by the roadside. “Are you sure?†continued the concerned driver, “Yes, yes†we replied and so it went on with every passing car; people wanting to drive us home, or to a doctor, or just to help somehow, so we must have looked in a bad way. Well, we probably did, but in fact, what had just happened was an incredible event that was a result of three days with Dolores Cannon in her Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Training Course.
The preceding day had been the third and last day of the course when I had been asked by Dolores if I wanted to be the subject for the demonstration. When you get an invitation like that, it’s one of those things in life that you just don’t turn down; you just thank your ‘lucky stars’ for the opportunity.
When you delve into this world with Dolores, there is no black magic, nothing scary or weird; just a beautiful energy of caring and healing.
So what happened in that demonstration that would turn me into a dishevelled heap by the roadside a day later, looking as though I was in need of medical care? I mean, things like that just don’t happen from these sessions. Well, not normally. The essence of Dolores Cannon’s Technique is anything but normal. While to many it could be seen as some weird exercise in high strangeness, when you delve into this world with Dolores, there is no black magic, nothing scary or weird; just a beautiful energy of caring and healing. It is the power of this energy that makes the sessions appear to transcend our perception of what we call reality.
I clearly remember the energy in the room around me, when I lay down to begin the session, as being electric. Even Dolores commented on this, so ‘something’ was definitely going to happen. Maybe I would be taken into a fascinating past life as a warrior, a builder of the pyramids, a magician, or maybe even to another planet, only to learn that my back pains were really due to falling out of a UFO. No, none of that fantasy stuff here. Instead, as Dolores started her gentle technique of slowly taking me into a trance state, my first thought was, “What if I am the one person where nothing happens? …..What if.…… What if……What if?†By then I was under her hypnotic spell, on a new journey, floating out into an unknown world, all wrapped up in the cosy comfort of a white cloud; yes, really!!
I was staring right into a giant eye, not a friendly eye either, not even a human eye, but an eye of death all the same.
What scene of history did I find myself in and was I a man, or a woman? Well, none of the above. Instead, I was staring right into a giant eye, not a friendly eye either, not even a human eye, but an eye of death all the same. And with this I erupted into despair; sobbing on the couch with such heartfelt emotion that I was unable to understand, at that time. Then slowly the scene panned back to reveal the eye to be that of a bird, a huge forlorn creature flying slowly and sadly over an immense sunless sea to an unknown destination.
The more I looked at the bird, the more I didn’t want to follow it because some part of me knew what was going on there and it wasn’t just bad, not even very bad; this was the end.
All I could see were their garments; white, cold and frozen over headless mannequins.
Dolores guided me out of the emotion of that scene and tried to get me to find people, but all I could see were their garments; white, cold and frozen over headless mannequins. There was no one to talk to; only statues of their past being and anyway I wasn’t even a person, an animal, or anything physical; I was just nothing; nothing tangible. I was more like a spirit, an energy form that was travelling through planet Earth.
Slowly Dolores guided me back down to earth where I finally ended up literally on the ground in a forest among the roots of trees and plants where I later surfaced to see the boots of a person walking through the trees to their tiny wooden cottage. It appeared that I had gone back hundreds of years in time into a European forest. As my energy entered this tiny cottage, the place was almost bare, except for a small wooden cot, where a young child lay close to death from a terrible disfiguring disease.
As I drifted out of the cottage, I was shaken by a giant bright silver rocket plunging from the sky into the ground right behind the cottage and then burrowing its way into the ground (which wasn’t quite right for a past life). From then on the images became more bizarre and more intense until Dolores finally moved me into what was the final phase of the session, where you meet with the subconscious and the real healing process begins. However, even that traditional part of the session fell into mayhem with a multitude of apprentice healers all intent on fixing my back, rather than the usually balanced persona of what Dolores calls the subconscious. This left both me and most of the class somewhat bewildered and thinking that somehow the session had just gone off the rails.
Now to show how wrong we were, let’s go forward to the next day where I was testing out the healing that had been performed on my back in the demonstration. We had only been walking a few minutes from my house, which is at the edge of a national park, when “I started to feel that something was wrong”. My head was swirling and I was starting to stumble. I then spontaneously went back into the entry point of the previous day’s session; right back into the eye of that giant bird with all of the same inexplicable emotion as the day before. I stopped and staggered in a distressed state and as I did so; a simple thought entered my mind, which said, “This is the futureâ€. Then with that thought came an energy flow, as though my whole body was tingling with electricity. As I repeated the thought, the electrical tingling accelerated in its intensity and then it happened.
As I stood half collapsing by the roadside with sadness and despair, I was overcome by the most enormous internal energy wave
What I describe next is so unlike anything I have ever experienced before and whatever words I use seem hopelessly inadequate. As I stood half collapsing by the roadside with sadness and despair, I was overcome by the most enormous internal energy wave. The only way I can come close to describing it is to ask you to remember those close-up shots of the Saturn rocket boosters on the Apollo Moon missions as they took off from Cape Kennedy and inched their way upwards from the launch pad with such incredible power. Well, now imagine that energy happening inside your whole body, but this time slowly working its way from the base of your skull downwards to your feet. That’s what happened to me that Monday morning.
Once the energy had slowly passed right through me, my whole body felt empty, like a vacuum. But almost immediately this void was filled with a new gentle energy that brought with it an extraordinary sense of ‘knowing’ as though I had suddenly been downloaded with pure information, direct from a source outside that of my daily reality. To feel this information resonate within my being was even more astounding than the prior physical sensation. However, the two coming together in quick succession was a mind-altering, jaw-dropping and knee-bending experience, all in one. Thankfully I had a witness to its unfolding effect, as I fell down at the side of the road.
It was as though a frosted pane of glass now became clear. What I had seen in the session with Dolores were the carefully crafted symbolic images of the future that had been sent to me by the energy that she works with.
I know now I am one of those who are here to help the life force of Mother Earth through the coming period of mass extinction that is being caused by mankind.
All of the bizarre images of the session suddenly slotted into place like random pieces of a jigsaw spontaneously finding their rightful place in the puzzle. I know now I am one of those who are here to help the life force of Mother Earth through the coming period of mass extinction that is being caused by mankind.
Over the past two to three years, I have found inexplicable, but undeniable major changes in my feelings towards animals, in particular wild animals and birds. My love for them has reached such a height that it equals the feelings I have for my fellow human beings. Accompanying this has been a similar increase in my love for plants and trees.
During the course, one of the participants talked to me about her feelings for animals and trees that had been welling up inside over the past couple of years. When she tried her first regression with a fellow student, the night before my session with Dolores, she too went into the future and like me, became just energy without form. She also saw multiple images of the death and destruction of humanity.
When I contacted Dolores Cannon about my experiences after the workshop, she said that the only other session that she had taken which was similar to mine was in Hawaii. So maybe either strange things are going on in the Pacific at this time, or this new energy that we are experiencing is a continuation of the developments that Dolores describes in her Convoluted Universe series of books. I cannot believe that what happened to me is special, rather it is something that will become evident in many people as the time becomes right for us to understand our purpose on this planet … and it seems that time is now.
I now not only have a much-improved physical body, but I also know my purpose for being here on this planet.
I also now have the explanation for just about everything I have ever done in my life and what is happening to life in general on this planet right now. My back had never improved because the burden I was carrying wasn’t from this life or past life on this planet. It was the burden of the information that I knew before I arrived, which was the reason for my arrival in the first place. I could never have uncovered this burden without Dolores because I always dismissed as fantasy the concept of actually travelling to, or in any way actually really knowing the future. The ramifications of this ‘knowing’ are awesome in every respect so now you might understand why I looked a little strange as I lay at the side of the road that sunny summer Sydney morning and why I owe such a great debt of thanks to Dolores.
by Gareth Owen
A bonus extra -Â Delores Cannon talks about Forgiveness, Letting Go and Karma