The Empty Sky Cosmic Cabaret fundraiser raised $6544 to help pay for 31 Dalit children to go to school. Thank you Kavisha and all those involved.Â
It costs only $260 AUD per child for one year. They live in the poorest part of Kathmandu and are from the Dalit (Untouchable) caste so they experience daily prejudice but with the gift of education, they can break the cycle.
help us to assist these kids by donating
Donate to: Â Freedom Through Education Nepal BSB: 036048 Account 426371
About the Founder
James Spence has devoted his life to helping the people who helped him in his time of need.
 James Spence is the lone Aussie mountaineer who fell off a mountain in 2001. After being cared for by poor Tibetan refugees, he was touched by the experience. The mountaineering accident totally changed his life direction and his heart opened.
Soon after in the back lanes of Kathmandu, he met some poor kids huddled around a smokey fire. They were feeding the fire with plastic just to keep themselves warm. He was devastated to see this and knew he had to help. He knew he had to help these Dalit families. He decided that these Dalit families needed more than just blankets – they needed ongoing support for education so they could break the cycle of poverty.
So he asked if anyone wanted to go to school. Their answer surprised him. They told him that they (8-10-year-olds) were too old to go to school and that their younger brothers and sisters should go. So James managed to start off by sending 7 children to school with his own money. After a while this became unsustainable And so FTEN – Freedom Through Education Nepal was born 5 years ago.
Now there are 32 children being supported to go to school! Their young mothers are being trained also to sew goods for Jame’s market stall. They recently purchased a pedal Singer sewing machine!

For more details please email James on