Global Peace Meditation – Manifest Positive Change in the World.


A call to our readers: Take positive action by placing your intent through meditation for global peace into practice. Let’s give away thoughts of fear and intentionally focus on love for life to create a peaceful world and give gratitude for this beautiful planet, that we share with all life here on Earth.

Make time to include a Meditation for Global Peace in your daily practice.

Jacquie and Patricia
Conscious Living Magazine


In this Global Peace Meditation guided by Roger, you will embark on a cosmic awakening and healing journey of the Mind. 

This guided meditation practice can be done at any time and was created to help those with the visualizations during the Global meditation for the awakening of human consciousness that is taking place at designated times for healing and awakening, and for peace in 2023. Please practice this Global Peace Meditation to bring about coherence, alignment, awakening, ascension, peace, love, joy, kindness, caring, and happiness to all sentient beings. Raise your level of consciousness and raise the World.

Visualize the Universal, Cosmic, Divine Sun at the centre of our Universe, radiating a magnificent and powerful energy beam to all smaller Galactic suns, and then to our solar system and Sun. The energy beam will enter you from above, and travel through you to the centre of our Earth, Activating your Chakras, and filling you with Divine light, energy, bliss, healing, peace, love, and joy.

Envision Billions of other people on Earth joining you in this Global healing guided meditation, Billions of powerful beams of light enter the planet and raise the vibration and consciousness level of the whole world.

global meditation pic

This will shift the timeline of the planet to the most optimal for all of society. Wars will end, sickness and disease will be healed, anxiety and fear will be replaced with peace and courage, hate and greed will be replaced with love and generosity, and all negativity will be transcended as we begin to wake up to our True Natures – Pure Consciousness, Pristine Awareness, True Self, I AM, Atman, Buddha Nature, Holy Spirit, Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Rigpa, God Consciousness, or whatever name you choose to use. The Ultimate Truth is beyond all concepts.

This guided meditation practice can be done at any time and was created to help those with the visualizations during the Global meditation for the awakening of human consciousness that is taking place at designated times for healing and awakening, and peace in 2023. Please practice this Global Peace Meditation to bring about coherence, alignment, awakening, ascension, peace, love, joy, kindness, caring, and happiness to all sentient beings. Raise your level of consciousness and raise the World.

Link to meditation –

Sabine and Roger started the YouTube Channel, Raise The World Project, with the hope of sending positive and useful spiritual information into the World  Take a look at their channel. You can watch, learn, grow, and share. / raisetheworldprojectnow  


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