Marcus Schmieke: The inventor of the information field technology and developer of TimeWaver systems was born in 1966. In the course of his studies of physics and philosophy in Heidelberg and Hanover, he developed the vision of exploring the interaction between matter and consciousness. This synthesis between science and philosophy is the leitmotif in his life. He has also studied Vedic philosophy and architecture during his stays in various Indian monasteries. His encounter with the physicist Burkhard Heim and his work on his own books about science and consciousness – The Last Secret and The Field of Life – laid the theoretical foundation for the development of Information Field technology.
Through an intensive examination of Heim’s model of the 12-dimensional structure of the universe, Marcus Schmieke gained a deep understanding of the physical Information Field. In 2007, based on the work of Burkhard Heim, the Russian physicist Nikolai Kozyrev, and other scientists, Marcus Schmieke developed the first TimeWaver system. He thus brought Information Field technology into practical application for the first time. Within a very short period, it proved to be a success in complementary medicine, and now TimeWaver systems are being increasingly used in areas such as business, family, and personality development.
The TimeWaver has been used in Europe for the past 5 years to treat thousands of patients merging cutting-edge science and technology. Marcus Schmieke has now developed the Healy which is a miniature version of the Time Waver frequency technology.
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