Lead Me Home by Camille Nelson



Camille Nelson has created a wonderfully relaxing and absolutely enjoyable collection of favourite and new pieces, which reflect on the many traditional and much loved hymns of generations, through to some delightfully new compositions in the same style or genre.

The first two pieces are the much played, sung  and loved Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art which have been given serious consideration with the fine playing of the acoustic guitar, backed by a wonderful strings arrangement, to create arrangements which offer a return down memory lane, with modern soothing and enjoyable ambience.

Nearer My God To Thee has been given a distinctive Country and Western feel with the use of the pedal steel guitar, adding a totally new feel and vibe to this much loved piece, which somehow or other, manages to bring with it a smile, as if finding itself as a C&W arrangement,  seems so incongruously right!

In Be Thou My Vision Alex Sharpe, formerly of Celtic Woman, adds an exotic touch of vocals to the arrangement to create a style reminiscence of Japan and the clear melodies produced within their music style. Almost unnoticed, Adelia wanders softly and gently into the mix, with nothing more than pure acoustic guitar, played by Susie Brown Erni, to highlight the delicately beautiful notes of this lovely piece.

The title piece Lead Me Home features Camille Nelson on guitar, backed once again by a beautiful string arrangement created by Shane Mickelsen, which gently leads you through this piece straight into the reflective and delightful Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing featuring the playing of fiddle and mandolin by Ryan Sharpe.

Patterns of Light continues the reflective theme with the final piece, Count Your Many Blessings, the melody of which was written 1897 by Johnson Oatman, Jr.as a religious piece of music to go with the well-known words, and went on the mean so many different things to different people and is as popular today, as it was when it was first penned.

As a first studio album from this a talented artist and arranger it would have to be considered, as the promo pieces states, as almost Angelic!

Track 3 Nearer My God to Thee

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