Near Death Experiences – Tricia Barker


An interview with Rick Archer on Buddha at the Gas Pump October 3 2020

Tricia Barker experienced a profound near-death experience during her senior year of college, and this experience guided her to teach overseas, in public schools, and at the college level. Her story has been featured on I Survived, Life to Afterlife: Death and Back (Amazon), National Geographic Magazine, Women’s World Magazine, Coast to Coast AM, and The Doctor Oz Show.

Tricia’s memoir, Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation is also available through Audible. This book tells a story of her near-death experience, teaching mission, and eventual triumph over childhood trauma. The book focuses on the importance being of service to the world. A screenplay is in the works for her story.

Tricia is a graduate of The University of Texas. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College. Currently, she teaches English and Creative Writing at a beautiful community college in Fort Worth, Texas. She interviews other near-death experiencers, researchers, healers, spiritual teachers, and mediums on her YouTube Channel. Tricia’s poetry and essays have been published in several academic publications.


You can find more interviews with Rick Archer at Buddha at the Gas Pump or
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