November Brings Energy of Immersion Rebirthing and Positive Change


As we move into Scorpio be ready for the sting. You may find that upsets and trauma from your past revisit your consciousness as layers peel away. This is a time for healing what has been hidden and pushed aside. Growth opportunities are coming, and it is a time to look at the opportunities as they arise, make plans and set goals for future direction. Be aware of your emotional responses to what is happening in the world around you and rein them in if needed … not all is what it seems. Life is supporting you

Full moon names often correspond to seasonal markers. The Full Moon in November is sometimes referred to as Corn Moon, Milk Moon, Flower Moon, Hare Moon Beaver Moon and White Moon.

Last Quarter
New Moom
First Quarter
Full Moon


Your Horoscope for November by Rachel Lang

Aries (March 21-April 19):

Many meditators describe the experience of feelings of at-oneness when their mind is quiet and heart open. In these special moments, compassion eases anger and gives meaning to life’s most trying circumstances. This month’s astrology pulls you into that level of depth. Allow your ego to rest, retreat, and heal. The Sun shines in Scorpio until November 22, giving you more access to your life’s psychological and spiritual dimensions.

Last month’s eclipses allowed you to forge new pathways. Isn’t it funny how chaos often precedes hopeful life changes? Emotions intensify, and these are often the fuel that drives us forward with life’s transitions. This month offers a reprieve. Saturn, the planetary authority figure, stations directly, and it assigns your next set of responsibilities. It’s inviting you to accept your sacred calling. Pay attention to the clues, signs, and symbols.

The New Moon on November 13 invites you to consider how you spend, save, and invest your money. It invites you to prepare for the future, setting funds aside for unexpected expenses or tax bills. You could even discover ways to enhance your portfolio but avoid impulsive decisions with the Sun opposing the planetary wildcard, Uranus.

Chiron moves through your sign, and its retrograde passage inspires reflection about your adolescent experience. What were the pain points that shaped your self-worth? As Venus moves to oppose it on November 21, you have the opportunity to heal and forgive.

After November 22, the Sagittarius Sun brightens things up, allowing you to recognize the glimmers of beauty in even the most trying life circumstances. Head into the holidays in a spirit of celebration. Your life’s been renovated, your mind’s open, and your heart’s renewed.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

All relationships have been tried and tested this year; yours are no exception. (That October 28 eclipse was a doozy, wasn’t it?) You have had to say goodbye to the way things were and embrace a new normal. The word freedom may have rolled off your tongue, and you couldn’t ignore your heart’s urges. The Scorpio New Moon on November 13 could help synthesize your inner dialogue and life experiences. Instead of an analytical approach, take a mystical one by following synchronicities.

Venus moves into Libra on November 8, opening your eyes to appreciate the beauty all around you. Take it in through your physical senses. Your creative faculties are back online and ready for you to engage in new forms of self-expression. If you need help focusing your creativity, take a dance class or arrange flowers at home. These urges are heightened on November 17, when the Sun forms a lovely trine to Neptune. Art is meditation, and beauty is a spiritual practice.

As Mars moves through your opposite sign (until November 24), it fuels your warrior instincts, tempting you to fight the good fight. Ask yourself, is it wise to step into someone else’s battle? Contemplate the alternatives to conflict. There may be space for negotiation. On November 11, Mars opposes Uranus, filling the air with electricity. Note: angry words could spark fires. Choose your battles wisely.

When the Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 22, it shifts the month’s tone from deep concentration to celebration. You could feel more optimistic about finances, experience more freedom in relationships, and anticipate upcoming holiday plans. The Full Moon on November 27 highlights finances, especially investments and taxes. You exude charisma, making you a magnet for financial and professional opportunities.

Gemini (May 20-June 20):

The harvest season is a time to gather the crops and celebrate the earth’s bounty. It’s a season of transition and preparation. It may be a metaphor for your whole year as well. What abundance have you reaped? What goodness have you welcomed? You’ve worked hard and now see the fruits of your efforts. Gather with friends or family and share stories of the year’s ups and downs at the Gemini Full Moon on November 27.

In general, November’s astrology relieves us from the hectic pace of the past few months. As Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 9, your mind considers the big picture more than the details. So, proofread every email twice before hitting send. Start imagining what you’d like to create and experience in 2024. Instead of thinking of goals or specific intentions, imagine the people you want to see and how you want to feel. Let this inquiry drive your plans.

On November 13, the Scorpio New Moon promises a surprise — be open to magic. Lunai shines on your work, helping you welcome new opportunities or let go of projects that don’t reflect your greatness. Your creative insights could inspire customers, clients, or team members. Be open to sharing your knowledge, wisdom, and ideas. Others are standing by, waiting for directions.

After November 22, the Sun shines in Sagittarius, spotlighting your love life. Venus in Libra acts like Cupid’s arrow, piercing through subconscious resistance to draw romantic love. Remember this if you are single and longing for a relationship. Also, keep it in mind if you’re partnered and wish for more satisfaction in this area. Open your heart and receive.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Crabs live in the rocky crevices along the seashore, where the water is anything but still. Shorelines symbolize the gateway between the unconscious and conscious aspects of the psyche. Crabs stay at the threshold. They’re also intuitive. Hatchlings – just days old – migrate from the ocean back to shore without guidance. Similarly, you have been journeying to find your place in the world. This month offers intuitive guidance and inner vision. Trust yourself.

The Scorpio New Moon on November 13 delivers unexpected news. It could be related to children or the green light for a passion project. After October’s eclipses, you might be ready to welcome joy and celebration. So, cue your favourite party playlist and dance!

Attitudes could get heated on November 11 when Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus, leaving you fired up without an apparent reason. Instead of suppressing your emotions, use them to fuel a plan of action. Anger often is a catalysis change, but it needs movement and action.

As the Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, the tone shifts from protective to relaxed, just in time for the holiday season. You head into this time with a desire to be with loved ones, share stories, and reminisce. Remember, you don’t have to work hard to make everybody happy. Let the spirit of the Gemini Full Moon on November 27 lead you into a relaxed state of enjoyment. Things don’t have to be perfect for them to be good.

Romance also takes centre stage this month, especially after Venus enters Libra on November 9. This season offers a gentle expression of love, focusing on nostalgic moments, deep conversations, playful banter, and candlelight dinners. Be present during these moments to let love flourish.

Leo (July 23-August 22):

Every Leo has a dream fuelled by passion. At times, you can almost see and feel it. So, here’s a pep talk you may need after the rollercoaster ride of the past few months: don’t give up. Hold tight to your heart’s desires; they are clues guiding you to your destiny.

This month’s astrology indicates a revitalization of creative energy. You may not experience immediate gratification — these aren’t get-rich-quick schemes or fleeting ideas. The creativity at your disposal is fluid and lasting. The Scorpio New Moon on November 13 provides the right blend of introspection and enthusiasm to bring those dreams to fruition.

This month offers you a reprieve from intensity. Consider unplugging from social media and the news. Allow your nervous system to rebalance for an hour every day. You’re more sensitive to disturbing images or news of injustice. Your heightened sensitivity is nudging you to identify where you can make a difference.

Think of what your world needs most right now and be that for others. It’s the surest way to have a ripple effect of positivity, especially on November 11 when Mars challenges Uranus. It’s a day of unpredictability, and the collective mood might be tense, with potential shockwaves.

The Sun enters celebratory Sagittarius on November 22 and rekindles some sizzle in your relationships. As the month winds down, break free from expectations. Whether you’ve been in a committed relationship for a while or have enjoyed a single life, relational patterns emerge. When you predict an outcome based on past experiences, remember, “That was then. Each day offers a fresh start.”

Virgo (August 23-September 22):

Here’s your friendly pep talk. You’ve got something — that brilliant idea, the dream you can’t ignore. The possibilities fill you with wonder! Don’t let the naysayers win, especially the ones in your mind. Keep pushing until they have no more fight left to generate energetic resistance. The Sun shines in Scorpio until November 22, helping you manage plans and iron out the details. Your mental processes are razor-sharp, and your mind is operating with a mix of logic and intuition. If you feel off-kilter, recognize the psychic shift attuning you to the big picture. You can see what was once hidden and are attuned to ESP. Surrender your need for mental clarity and enjoy the ride!

The Scorpio New Moon on November 13 could bring surprising news. Take time to let it register before making decisions. New moons indicate the start of processes; we often see the results later. This lunation features Uranus, the planet of progress and freedom. It’s an influence that gives you access to the imaginal realms. You’re ready to bask in the mystical experience of it all.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22 and focuses your attention on home and family, causing you to notice what needs to be repaired or cleaned. Prioritize this work before Mercury retrograde in December.

It’s a good month for expanding your social circle, especially in your local community. Take time to get to know your neighbours and check out nearby events. You’re open to fresh perspectives and new ideas. Draw like-minded others into your sphere who can facilitate your path to enlightenment.

Libra (September 23-October 22):

What if the best is yet to come? Your birthday reflections coincided with cathartic eclipses, leading you to ask hard questions about the direction of your life. You won’t be any younger in the future than you are right now, and you might feel a renewed desire to shape your life. No matter where you’ve been, you will continue progressing, enjoying new experiences, and coming full circle in many ways. This month, let life show you glimpses of the future!

The Scorpio New Moon on November 13 highlights your financial picture, and its influence proposes long-term solutions for wealth-building. Jupiter in Taurus shows you a more generous money experience –cash flow, giving, and receiving.

Nothing tips Libra’s scales out of balance more than conflict. On November 11, Mars opposes Uranus, and conflicts could escalate. This transit is like an arid desert wind. If there’s a spark of fire, it will spread.

From war to fighting factions of your family, you may wonder, why can’t everybody get along? Your relationships are undergoing a metamorphosis as you awaken to the discomfort of playing small. Instead of hiding your light, bring the ones you love closer to see it radiate. Your light is contagious.

Venus, the sign of grace and beauty, enters your sign on November 8, and your charisma could act as a magnet, allowing you to draw people into your life. Venus in Libra seeks beauty, has an eye for design, and wants to harmonize polarities. A shopping trip may be in order. You deserve to have the things you love, and Venus wants to help you discover how to overcome the limits.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21):

As the Sun shines light from your sign this month, it amplifies your courage. The astrological Sun represents our conscious will, the spark of desire. How will you channel the glow of positive energy? With Saturn in Pisces, you might launch a creative endeavour, especially something related to media or entertainment.

We start the month with Mercury in your sign (until November 9), indicating mental acuity. It’s an auspicious influence for making plans and ironing out the details. Professional opportunities could appear out of the blue, but you may need to wait to finalize them. Remember to stay mellow if you encounter delays.

The month’s transits highlight your personal life. One of your gifts is your ability to hyper-focus on what inspires you. If your career doesn’t take centre stage now, trust that priorities shift as planetary cycles move. Everything unfolds in its proper time and season.

Mars moves through your sign until November 24, and you could be bursting with energy but limited by time. If so, focus on your meditation practice, especially on November 11, when Mars opposes Uranus, triggering a deep-seated desire for freedom and change. Take the time for a self-care activity, like an afternoon at the spa or a morning hike.

The Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius on November 22 inspires a lighter tone. It draws you into compassionate conversations and tender moments with loved ones. It also illuminates the way forward in financial matters, revealing previously hidden paths and new income possibilities. You may have insights about how to shift priorities, and the Gemini Full Moon on November 27 signals a breakthrough. Let go of fear and allow your innate curiosity to guide you towards a new chapter in your life.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):

You feel alive when exploring new horizons. You’ll be pleased to know this month gives you extra space to dream, envision, and plan an adventure. Saturn in Pisces stations direct on November 4, cutting some ties that have held you in the past. Your soul-searching journey is about to take a turn. As Mercury enters your sign on November 9, it asks you to stay loyal to your truth. So, take the time and space. Dream.

Venus shines in Libra after November 8, gracing your social life with invitations. As the Sun shines in your sign at the end of the month (after November 22), your charisma could attract friends and lovers. Who are those people who lift you and cheer you on? Connect with them for an extra boost. You’ve been through a catharsis and are almost ready to tell your story. Wait for the Sagittarius Sun to step into the spotlight. That’s also a time when you have more energy at your disposal. What better way to kick off your birthday season than by receiving appreciation for the gift you are to the world?

On November 11, Mars opposes Uranus, making us all feisty and ready to act. Despite this surge of energy, we want to be mindful of the ripple effect of this transit. Anger can grow to a boiling point, and we could feel pushed to act impulsively. Find healthy ways to channel any heated emotions.

Mars enters your sign on November 24 and motivates you to act on behalf of a goal or idea. Mars can fire up our ego, an excellent influence for competition. However, be careful not to drive too fast, watch your step, and exercise caution in general.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

Your ruling planet, Saturn, works as the cosmic safety officer of our solar system. While its influence helps you create stability during times of uncertainty, there’s a fine line between structure and rigidity. Your challenge is to balance caution with intuition without going to extremes. Stay flexible, cautiously optimistic, and open-minded. The Scorpio Sun is helping you envision new pathways, requiring you to let expectations go.

On November 13, the Scorpio New Moon helps expand your social circle. You’re more aware of what you want in friendships because you’ve identified what hasn’t worked. Now, you can establish new bonds with people on your wavelength. As you deepen your sense of community, you could be drawn to new activities or places.

Communicative Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 9, and you’re compelled to tell the truth. Ideas that have been long buried could surface as the month progresses, especially on November 10, when Mercury squares Saturn.

After November 22, when the Sun enters Sagittarius, you’re pulled inward for a journey of spiritual awareness. Consider volunteering for your favourite cause or participating in spirit-led activities at the end of the month. Likewise, your dreams might offer symbols relevant to your waking life. Pay attention to them more deeply now to attune to the underlying messages.

Relationship dynamics might have seemed intense over the past few months, but you can breathe easy this month. It’s an ideal time to reflect upon past relational choices, address ongoing matters with former partners, or fine-tune communication in your existing relationship, particularly when discussing finances. This introspection might pave the way for a renewed experience of love.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18):

November starts with the Sun in Scorpio, a sign that wants us to dig down to the root of life’s tough questions and deepen understanding. The month ends with the Sun in optimistic Sagittarius. So, we experience the dark and light – introspection and celebration. In the dark times, remember there will be light.

The Scorpio New Moon on November 13 introduces a new framework for your career. It’s a mindset shift that could lead to a more balanced workflow. You’ve mastered the art of juggling projects without letting any balls drop, but it’s time to let something go and adjust your focus. The days before the New Moon will tell, especially November 11, as warrior-planet Mars opposes Uranus, a downright combustible transit.

With Mars in Scorpio flying high in your chart, you’re ready to share your brilliance and motivated by the recognition you could receive. The ego isn’t driving your will to succeed; it’s a mission that moves you to act. You’ll gain deeper awareness on November 24 when Mars enters Sagittarius.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, highlighting group dynamics and social interactions. You could feel drawn to cultivate community connections, whether rejoining old groups, engaging in team projects, or exploring new social circles. Your rare ability to envision a collective future pulls you into leadership, and others will follow behind. You can be generous with your time and feel appreciated for it.

The fun begins as the Sagittarius season gets underway. The playful Gemini Full Moon on November 27 could invite laughter and romance. It’s a reprieve after the intensity of the past few months. Embrace the shift in rhythm and give yourself time to dance.

Pisces (February 19-March 20):

Faith is one of your superpowers; you believe in the world’s goodness. You believe in possibilities, even when those full of doubt say you’re wrong. So, when you dedicate yourself to a dream, cause, or person, you go in wholeheartedly. This month, your dedication and faith pay off. Stay aligned with your worldview, and you’ll unlock your inner wisdom to help draw more goodness into your life.

On November 13, the Scorpio New Moon awakens a hunger for knowledge, and you could consider embarking on an educational adventure. Have your passport ready just in case an opportunity arises. Life’s showing you new horizons to explore. Will you step forward or stand still? No matter what you choose, you will receive spiritual gifts.

Thanks to October’s eclipses, relationships have been a focal point for all of us. Now that you have identified trouble spots in your relationships, you can begin the work to repair them by staying on a path of personal growth. You can see the best in others (another superpower), but do you treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion? Treat yourself how you wish to be treated by others and show them a template for loving you.

Neptune retrograde in your sign amplifies your empathetic nature, and confusion could arise if you adopt others’ opinions. Stay true to yourself, trusting your gut feelings, especially on November 11. On this day, Mars challenges Uranus for a day of impulse and rapid change. The more grounded and centred you feel, the more readily you can hold onto your truth when distortions come your way.

Rachel Lang studied astrology under the mentorship of some world-renowned astrologers and dedicated herself to the craft. She received certification from the American Federation of Astrologers and is a member of ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. Rachel is the Vice President of the local NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) Los Angeles chapter. To read more go to Rachel’s website


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