Conscious Living Magazine November Issue
November signals a fresh start as we embrace the latter part of spring. Everything you’ve been nurturing is now ready to flourish and burst into life. Harness this vibrant energy to clear away the clutter and make room for new possibilities, laying the foundation to bring your dreams to fruition. If procrastination has held you back, it’s time to break free. Embrace your creative energy, step into the future with your vision, and lay a solid foundation.
Nancy Rebecca reminds us that we are not alone on this journey. The universe is here to support us, offering its boundless energy to aid our endeavours. Take the time to meditate and connect with your inner guidance. Cherish moments with your loved ones, uniting in love and goodwill to create a happier world for all.
Enjoy this issue as we send it with our love, Jacquie, and Patricia
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Quantum Light Codes November Forecast – Nancy Rebecca
Ozempic and Other Weight Loss Drugs Linked to 162 US Deaths
– Analysis Dr Mercola
Climate Report 2024 Key Findings by the CSIRO
Embracing Mindfulness for Better Decision Making by Debbie Paull
Spiritual Awakening, Numerology, Sacred Feminine | Georgette Star
Batgap interview with Rick Archer.
November Shakeup – Keep Trust in Your Inner Guidance and Supportive Friends – Rachel Lang
New Moon in Scorpio November 1st 2024 – Pam Gregory
Dr Sandra Cabot Seminars Cronulla 3rd November
12-Month Advertising Package with Social Media, Blogs, Videos, Podcasts, and Special Offers Included in CL Magazine Newsletters for Holistic Practitioners looking to publicize Courses, Consultations and Classes. Join as a VIP member and get a FREE holiday Voucher to stay up to 7 nights valued at over $750 in the Conscious Living Directory. Click Here. The Offer ends December 31st .
REVIEWS: Book and Music Reviews
🕮 Secrets of Great Botanists by Matthew Biggs
🕮 Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon by Carmen Turner-Schott and Bernie Ashman
♪ ♪ Unity by Raphael Groten and Rebecca Kodis
♪ ♪ A Promise of Eternity by Jim Ottaway
🕮 Wild Creature Mind by Steve Biddulph
🕮 Mama’s Got to Let Go – How to let go without losing your sanity by Karen Gibson