Renovate Your Relationship


All The DIY Tools You’ll Ever Need For Your Most Important Project

Joanne Wilson is a relationship and pre-marriage therapist as well as a wife, mother, weekly columnist and radio co-host known to many for her practical advice on relationships, which have now been encapsulated in her latest book Renovate Your Relationship.

During these difficult times, when relationships, new, old and somewhere in the middle, are often stretched to the limit, with help available at a great distance, Joanne Wilson decided to put her hard earned, in many respects, knowledge of relationship refreshing or in some cases rescue, into book form in the shape of an easy to read, easy to use, DIY Toolbox to help those in need before, during or after a relationship.

Firmly believing she was destined to become relationship counsellor, as the fifth child born into a loving family she was a child who delighted in observing people; initially her parents and siblings set the standard for what she was to later consider the hallmark of excellent relationships. Her launch into the dating game came with some serious emotional upheavals; eventually she met the man she would marry and go on to build a strong and lasting relationship.

Over many years she has honed her ability to help guide people through make-ups, break-ups or towards refreshing tired but loving relationships, with a very simple concept which she explains in full. The Ten Toolbox Topics, cover all aspects of relationships, initially by understanding what is understood or believed to be love, beginning with About Love, looking at Conflict, reviewing Parenting, and how to proceed Post Relationship for those who simply do not make it, and the final chapter Time for Actions on These Two Words.

Well set out, with clearly defined subject areas, the recommendation is to read the entire book, rather than dip into whatever areas or area appears to be the trouble spot, as this is a full course on Refreshing Your Relationship. After the book has been read, many of the hard questions examined and answered, only then should it be time to return to the section considered the neediest for repair in the relationship.

As with all Toolboxes there are a set of instructions included, which are best read before beginning the emotional task of refreshing or rebuilding your relationship, which can be found right at the beginning and labelled as How to Unpack this Toolbox. Do make sure you read them first!

Endnotes is an absolute treasure trove of information for further reading, offered to help and support relationship rejuvenation from a holistic and healthy basis of understanding, integrity and honesty.

Author                                      Joanne Wilson
Publisher                                   THE RELATIONSHIP REJUVENATOR
ISBN                                         9780646819198


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