Soft gentle and soothing, this delightfully delicious compilation of five beautiful and melodious songs from City of Dawn, Sherry Finzer and Karasvana, The Journeying Sun is perfect for relaxing at the end of a long day, when peace and comfort are essential.
The gentle sounds formed by City of Dawn are complimented by the rich notes of the flute. Soft percussive effects are added with singing bowls, chimes and on occasion gentle vocals. Each piece is singular, simple and eloquent and when combined into one continuous chain of melodies, they are exquisite and contemplative.
City of Dawn aka Damien Duque, specialises in creating thought-provoking ambient sound that both encourages and transports, using his music to convey a message of self-exploration through music to quiet and clear cluttered minds.
When combined with the divine music of Sherry Finzer on a variety of flutes and Ella Hunt aka Karasvana on percussive instrumentation the pathway to contemplation and reflection is achieved.
The Journeying Sun is also symbolic of the transition of life, from sunrise to sunset, the passing of time as marked by the sun’s transition, the mystique and magical elements given to this earth by the rays of an ever-present life-giving force which goes back far beyond humanity.
Distributor        Bandcamp
Released         January 2024
Artists           City of Dawn, Sherry Finzer and Karasvana
Review By Janet MawdesleyÂ