March’s celestial forecast is here!
The month begins with a promising cosmic connection between the Sun in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus on the 1sr March. Regardless of your star sign, you might be in for some exciting news or opportunities. Brace yourself for a few surprises on March 3 as Venus in Aquarius collides with Uranus in Taurus, shaking up your relationship and money matters. This energy could lead to either break-ups or breakthroughs!
Are you feeling adventurous? On March 4, Mercury in Pisces teams up with Uranus in Taurus, inspiring you to step outside your comfort zone. Trust your gut today. Dive deep into your feelings on March 8 as Mercury in Pisces joins Neptune in Pisces. This is a perfect day to let your imagination and creativity run wild. If you can, push any serious talks to another day.
Your March Horoscopes by Rachel Lang
You’re used to breaking through any barriers to the future of your dreams. The North Node invites you to stand firm in your resolve and remain steadfast in your commitment to your goals. Instead of running towards the finish line this month, experiment by asking what life’s blockages can teach you. When uncertainty creeps in, seek clarity through prayer and meditation, connecting deeply with your inner guidance. All planets are going direct, and eclipse season is coming, leading to no small share of intensity.Â
The start of the month is a great time to evaluate your spiritual routines. While the Sun is in Pisces until March 19, you’re introspective and exploring the daily practices you use as your springboard. Are they fostering your growth or keeping you stuck in place? Allow yourself to explore new pathways for spiritual expansion without throwing out the old. There may still be value in it. The Pisces New Moon on March 10 aids this by ushering in a wave of inspiration, illuminating your dreams and aspirations.
You’re moving full steam ahead once the Sun enters Aries on March 19! All the preparation from Pisces season launches you into a time of celebration and rapid personal growth.
The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 catalyzes change in your relationship. The energy pushes for drastic change, no matter how hard you resist. What can’t stay will be shed, making room for a new beginning. Will it mean a break-up or a breakthrough? You get to make that call.Â
The passion and emotion that this eclipse stirs up will linger through the end of the month and will feel incredibly potent on March 22, when your ruler, Mars, enters Pisces. Take the signs that come as calls to action during this mystical time.
Good news is on the way, thanks to the Sun’s movement through the magical sign of Pisces. All you have to do is open your heart to receive, which means allowing others in for support and encouragement. While it’s easiest to trust things you perceive with your physical senses, the Pisces New Moon on March 10 elevates your perspective, allowing you to glimpse possibilities you could have never imagined. Allow the movement to spark a creative transformation.
The energy of Pluto in Aquarius encourages you to be courageous, especially in your work. This energy demands that you hold to your vision and embrace your full potential, regardless of how unconventional your choices might feel. On March 9, it’s time to be clear with yourself and others about your preferences, guarding your goals against people-pleasing tendencies. Recognize the value of your time and energy; they’re priceless.Â
On March 19, the Sun enters Aries. It’s the start of Spring and the blossoming of something new. All planets are going direct, and Venus enters Pisces on March 11, making this the ideal time to follow your heart and nurture your body. On March 25, the Libra Lunar Eclipse helps you see through the clouds of confusion to have a spiritual breakthrough as you attune to the symbolism in the mind/body connection.Â
Love pulls your focus at the end of the month. As you say goodbye to one season and start to emerge from hibernation, you find joy in connection with friends and lovers. When Venus meets Saturn on March 21, you may become inspired to make deeper commitments in love. Destined encounters occur with the Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25.
GEMINI (MAY 20 – JUNE 20):
Life’s evolutionary journey isn’t always linear. Sometimes, you need to revisit the past with the wisdom of the present before welcoming a new beginning for the future. Magic happens in the present moment when those timelines come together. The Pisces New Moon on March 10 stirs emotions and reflections on the past. Aligning with your feelings can lead to a cosmic redefinition of your purpose and, ultimately, a sense of enlightenment.
All planets are going direct, signifying a flurry of activity. If your head is buzzing with unanswered questions, let your quest for answers motivate your actions in the days leading to the Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25. Any confusion about career direction dissipates after March 17, when the Sun meets Neptune and opens your imagination.Â
On March 19, relationships are in flux as we adjust to a new solar season. While the Sun is in Aries, new friendships can illuminate the dark areas of your life. Whether you intentionally keep it out of sight or not, acknowledging your shadow opens your mind to new ways of integrating those neglected parts of yourself.
Mars shines in Aquarius until March 22, driving you to explore the world around you. Whether by plane, train, automobile, or through a good book, opening yourself to travel may delight your senses in the coming months.Â
The month ends with the start of eclipse season. The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 and the lead-up to the Aries Solar Eclipse on April 8 ask you to look at how you show up for yourself and your community. If you don’t take time for yourself, you risk burning out during this intense time. Commit to the activities that renew your spirit, and distance yourself from others that distract you from who you really are.
The winds of change are blowing in your direction, and you are like a seed soaring toward the fertile soil. The Sun moves through Pisces until March 19, inspiring adventure. If you feel blown towards something unexpected, don’t try to block it. The Pisces New Moon on March 10 opens your mind to wander and explore new destinations. Surrender, and let life carry you forth.
The more grace you give yourself to dive into the unknown, the richer the rewards you reap. From March 8 to March 17, your creativity blossoms, and your genius may surprise you. On March 11, Venus enters Pisces and encourages you to channel your affection and intention into a craft. The physical manifestation of your deep-seated desires appears as a subliminal message—divine answers in your daily life. So, get busy with a new hobby or home project.Â
When the Sun enters Aries on March 19, there is renewed attention on your career. If you’re feeling disengaged or stuck at work, there are ways to overcome these obstacles and achieve new goals.
At the same time, momentum builds in your home and family life as we approach the Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25. Home is not just a physical space but also a feeling of comfort and safety that allows us to be our authentic selves. Under the power of this eclipse, you could experience a shift in how you relate to that feeling that will ripple out through the rest of your life.Â
LEO (JULY 23 – AUGUST 22):
Our body signals similar sensations for both anticipation and anxiety, as well as passion and frustration. However, our mindset plays a crucial role in determining how we respond to these sensations. We have the power to generate momentum for positive change or get caught up in a mental loop. It all depends on how we choose to respond.Â
On March 11, Venus will enter Pisces, and Mars will join it on March 22. You may find yourself drawn towards identifying the imbalances in your relationships and may feel torn between following your heart and letting logic lead the way. With love planets in Pisces, you can identify which aspects of your relationships require more attention.
All planets are going direct until April 1, and you are using that momentum to propel yourself forward. Keep that in mind on March 9 when Mars challenges Uranus. If you’re encountering an obstacle course trying to get from the current version of yourself to the one you’re trying to create, keep pushing. Friction is needed to start a fire.
The Sun moves into Aries on March 19, signalling a new solar season and the start of springtime (in the Northern Hemisphere). What adventures have you been planning behind the scenes? Now is the time to implement those plans and use this fiery energy to dream big.Â
As the Lunar Eclipse on March 25 approaches, listen closely to the whispers of your deepest desires for change. Trust yourself and have the confidence to make the necessary shifts. Be open to surprises, and the universe will not disappoint. You’re living in an exciting time, so follow your inspiration.Â
You’ve been seeking answers from the universe about your next steps for a while now. This month, you collect the clues you’ve received through signs and messages, and wow! You will feel the unyielding support from the unseen, spiritual realm. With the Sun in Pisces at the start of the month, you’re more keyed into your intuition but could be more focused. That’s okay! Meditate on the guidance you receive before you consider taking action. After the Sun enters Aries on March 19, you can more readily complete tasks and apply your usual diligence to progress toward your goals.Â
The Pisces New Moon on March 10 highlights your relationships and provides an open-minded approach to addressing imbalances or misalignments in your closest partnerships. Listen to your inner dialogue to determine your underlying unmet needs. Find creative ways to express them to your loved ones.
On March 19, the Sun enters Aries and starts a new season. New life abounds, and the generative influence may inspire extroversion. Before you fill your social calendar with lightning speed, be sure you aren’t distracting yourself. The scale of the changes you want to make may seem overwhelming, but metamorphosis most peacefully occurs when you give yourself proper nurturance and allow the time for it. Commitment is a keyword this month; unpack whatever fears that word brings up inside you.
By the Lunar Eclipse on March 25, you are primed to write a rough draft of your next chapter. You have received a new calling and responded with a resounding yes to the universe. Now, more puzzle pieces are coming together, and you can see a fuller picture of what you’ve been building up to over the past seven years.Â
As a relationship-oriented Libra, you’re surprisingly adept at spending time alone and enjoying your own company. While your ruling planet, Venus, was in Aquarius, you may have noticed an upsurge of authenticity in your relationships. As Venus enters Pisces on March 11, you can expect a transformative experience of universal love. Venus feels more at home in mystical Pisces, and its presence there reminds you to lean into beauty as an antidote to conflict and strife.Â
The Pisces New Moon on March 10 asks you to adopt new habits for well-being. It is a powerful time to reexamine all elements of your spiritual, emotional, and physical routines. Say thank you to whatever no longer serves you and release it.Â
The Sun enters Aries on March 19, and it’s time to fill your own cup by giving yourself the love and care you deserve. You believe in reciprocity in your relationships, but you tend to prioritize others instead of yourself. The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 shows you how to have more presence in the world, making you aware of how you hide your light. Your significant relationships could undergo a shift, especially if you feel you’ve offered more than your fair share. Restore harmony by carving out individuated time.
The end of the month brings the beginning of eclipse season. This one’s more dramatic because the South Node is moving through your sign, asking you to release certain parts of yourself that may feel core to who you are. Once you loosen your grip, you’ll see that you were attached to a much younger part of yourself that can’t appropriately react to your current life. During this time, you can clearly see patterns and dynamics, but you can’t fix problems alone. Thankfully, you have helpers lined up for encouragement and support.
As a private Scorpio, you’ve spent time cultivating your talents away from prying eyes. The Pisces Sun illuminates opportunities to share your skills with the world until March 19. Spend time envisioning the mark you’d like to make with your creations. With the New Moon in Pisces on March 10, you’re magnetic, attracting new customers or clients, especially if you work in a creative field.Â
How does your space serve you? Can you make any external changes to create a more serene inner world? These are questions to ask yourself as this month’s astrology highlights home design and architecture themes. Make a vision board of your ideal space. On March 9, when Mars challenges Uranus, try to think about the big picture and leave the details for another day.Â
You’re motivated to start spring cleaning once the Sun enters Aries on March 19. Look around your space and see what can be cleaned or cleared. Detox and declutter to begin this new season with a fresh sense of self.
The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 may bring surprises that disrupt your daily life. When stressful situations arise, how do you cope? This eclipse season asks you to examine your strategies through spiritual and physical routines. Adopt a mindfulness practice and release resentful thoughts, for example. Be willing to let go and let destiny take you for a ride.
The start of every great story begins as the protagonist receives a call to adventure and prepares to leave home. This month brings you to the start of your own epic tale. With the Sun in Pisces until March 19, you are asked to reflect on your own origin story. Then, your only task is to ensure you’re ready when the wind hits your sails.
You are more aware of your home’s limits and opportunities, making it an excellent time to finalize real estate decisions. On March 10, the Pisces New Moon asks you to connect with your land, deepen your understanding of your familial influences, and plant roots in your community.Â
You can leave the past behind once the Sun moves into fiery Aries on March 19. You could feel more optimistic about the possibilities unfolding in your romantic life. Your soul’s urge leads you to a discovery at the end of the month. Will you follow your heart?Â
The end of the month brings love to the forefront. On March 22, Mars enters Pisces, motivating your desire for a deep and grounded experience of love. It’s a time to overcome any disappointments you’ve faced and forgive the past. The deeper the love, the stronger the fear. Remember this after March 9 when Mercury moves into assertive Aries, feeding a biting sense of humour. Be sure that your words align with your heart.Â
The true test will come under the Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, when hidden information regarding your inner circle will be disclosed. Surprise revelations could serve as stepping stones over a sea of confusion.
This month, as the Sun shines in Pisces until March 19, you have an intuitive knack for knowing what to say. While you may be tempted to reserve this superpower for others, the Pisces New Moon on March 10 turns your focus back to yourself and stirs emotion. Pay attention to your dreams, which will offer symbolic messages to help unpack unconscious truths. This season might bring you profound realizations if you’re open to receiving them.Â
You tend towards practicality, but when Mercury meets Neptune on March 8, you could fall into a daydream. Let that creativity help you expand beyond self-doubt so that you feel truly empowered to take a stand once Mercury enters Aries on March 9.
On March 19, the Sun enters Aries and shines on your home life. Let yourself be inspired to explore other living options or update your space to fit who you aspire to be in this new season. By the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, your attention might be divided between personal and professional affairs. It would help if you had a sanctuary to return to, or you risk falling to extremes.
Open your heart to love this month; it might surprise you. On March 11, Venus enters Pisces, making this a magical month, especially if you’re single. On March 21, Venus conjoins Saturn and encourages commitment.Â
Your eyes are wide open, allowing you to see what others may not or choose not to see. A true visionary may not feel appreciated in their time or be affected by things others can brush aside. Under the Pisces New Moon on March 10, you feel a tug at your heartstrings for the plight of humanity, making it virtually impossible to see some news stories without feeling activated.Â
To all the social artists, visionaries, and advocates—this month’s astrology offers a scaffolding of support. Engage in dialogue with your peers or collaborators to kindle a collective fervour. As the Sun moves through Pisces and meets up with Neptune on March 17, ride the waves of inspiration. Â
You’re in a bit of a fog as we start the month. You may not have access to your usual objectivity, making this a risky time for significant financial choices. After the Sun moves into Aries on March 19, you can hear your inner voice more clearly for guidance.Â
Aries season also brings with it a drive to bolster your connections. Reach out to those you hold dear. You feel supported by having a network of individuals who each enrich your life in unique ways. You understand that each of us holds specific strengths; yours is leadership, which means service. Step into the role your community designates for you.Â
Under the influence of the Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25, you stand at a crossroads. You might find yourself itching to escape to a distant land or feel you have an altered perception of where you live. It is an intense time, so permit yourself to have an escape.
It’s time to appreciate the unique mark you leave on the world. You can access compassion and creativity while the Sun shines in your sign until March 19. Celebrating yourself during your season goes a long way toward fostering confidence for the rest of the year. On March 10, the New Moon in your sign helps expand your heart and mind. Between March 9, when Mercury and Neptune meet, and March 17, when the Sun joins forces with the planet of mysticism, ask for guidance from the universe and be open to signs and symbols. This period could clarify areas of your life where you may have felt unsettled.
You are a poet, and while Venus was in Aquarius, the act of loving could have felt too structured without enough romance. When Venus enters your sign on March 11, you get to experience a feeling of being loved beyond bounds. When Mars joins the Pisces party on March 22, passion is sparked from feeling deeply understood.Â
As the Sun enters Aries on March 19, it rushes you into eclipse season – a time of intense realizations and profound insights. Where have you bent yourself to fit someone else’s vision? The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 highlights your ability to receive abundance. You’re learning to balance other’s perspectives while standing in your truth.Â
Rachel Lang studied astrology under the mentorship of some world-renowned astrologers and dedicated herself to the craft. She received certification from the American Federation of Astrologers and is a member of ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. Rachel is the Vice President of the local NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) Los Angeles chapter. To read more go to Rachel’s website rachellangastrologer.com
Watching the Night Sky 2024 Super New Moon 10 March and Full Moon 17 March
When a Full Moon takes place when the Moon is near its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. When there is a New Moon around the closest point to Earth, it is known as a Super New Moon. Super New Moons are usually not visible from Earth, but the dark night skies provide great opportunities for some night sky watching. |