It is rare to find an author who can recount her past story with so much clarity and reflective thought.
While Unravelling Us moves along at a comfortable pace, we have time to reflect on many of her past issues, and how this has affected Renee McBryde’s current situation. It makes fascinating reading.
You see, when Renee was ten years old, she found out that her father was a murderer and guilty of sex crimes. Her mother was adamant that no-one should know about her partner. He was jailed when her mother was fifteen, and pregnant with Renee. As Renee grew and wanted answers to questions that she dared not ask, she began to see a pattern in the mothering in her family. Her Nana had a horrendous back story, and her mother, at fifteen, was limited in her child raising abilities.
The pathway for this young woman was never going to be easy, and the desperate need for her mother to love her, made Renee make some bad choices growing up. As she matured, Renee realised that to break the cycle of families in crises, she would need to change her life drastically.
Her story is told using her own children’s names, and against her mother’s wishes. Her husband, a great partner for Renee supports her and shares the same values that she aspires to. With a move to Alice Springs, and working in the Child Protection Agency, this strong and astute woman uses all her love and compassion to understand the lack of mothering she sees every day and celebrates when there are small but positive breakthroughs.
Unravelling Us is a really dynamic read.
Author                          Renee McBryde
Publisher                                              Bad Apple Press
ISBNÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 9780645265101
Distributor                                            Bad Apple Press
Review By Grasshopper2Â
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