According to Judy Wilyman researcher and advocate for vaccination choice there is no independence in the Australian mainstream media on the topic of vaccination. Judy Wilyman will be speaking at the upcoming Living Well in WA Expo Sunday 19th May on this important topic of the right to choose. Patricia Hamilton recently interviewed Judy about her concerns and we have republished in full her newsletter which details the level of opposition to public discussion of this important issue.
In Australia (and globally) the mainstream media will not present articles on vaccination as ‘vaccination choice‘. Journalists are being permitted to misrepresent the public’s concerns about vaccination policies as ‘anti-vaccination’. Â
Further, journalists, doctors, government health department representatives and pro-vaccine lobby group activists (specifically the industry-lobby group SAVN supported by the leader of the Greens – Richard Di Natale) are being permitted to abuse educated parents/professionals as ‘anti-vaxxers’.
Richard Di Natale provided false information about the benefits of vaccines and also about the grassroots consumer group the Australian Vaccination Network in the Australian Federal Parliament on 27 June 2013. Here is the historical evidence that proves there is no justification for mandatory vaccination with any vaccine.
This paved the way for industry-lobby groups to push the No Jab No Pay policies into legislation in Australia based on false information and this was assisted by the mainstream media presenting the issue only as ‘anti-vaccination’ and not the public’s right to choose the number of vaccines that we use. Â
Hate speech in the mainstream media and in public forums on vaccination, including comedians, is permitted if it is used to denigrate a so called ‘anti-vaxxer’ and you will not see vaccination discussed in a balanced way on the ABC’s Q and A Program any time soon.Â
Freedom of Speech in Australia does not exist on the topic of vaccination.
Experts in this field of public health are being ridiculed in all media, including social media, by individuals who have no qualifications in health but are given a platform to speak if they are promoting vaccines and ignoring the significant risks of vaccines.Â
This is the one topic where educated people cannot speak about our right to choice in vaccination – which has been the position in Australia for >60 years – since mass vaccination was introduced – and right up until 2016 when Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, was Australia’s Minister for Social Services and he implemented the mandatory use of ~16 vaccines for everyone up to 20 years of age in Social Welfare policies.
Did you know that when this Federal policy, called the No Jab No Pay Policy, was implemented in January 2016, that it removed all religious, philosophical and conscientious objection to vaccines in Australia? It also reduced the medical exemptions, that is, the known contraindications to vaccines that occur because of our genetics and the effects of the chemicals in the vaccine carrier.
That’s right,our religious freedom to refuse this invasive medical intervention was removed by Tim Wilson (Federal Liberal Member for Goldstein) when he was the ‘Individual Freedoms’ Human Rights Commissioner in 2015. Tim Wilson resigned as a Human Rights Commissioner after serving only 2 years of a 5 year contract to return to being a Federal Liberal party member in 2016. Â
My PhD thesis on the control of infectious diseases in Australia does not ‘oppose immunisation’ as McIntyre and Burgess – the former directors of the government vaccination research body, the NCIRS, have implied in their recent attack on my PhD thesis. My thesis provides the evidence that opposes ‘mandatory vaccination’ – not vaccination pur se as the title of their article suggests – and this is why the Australian government has gone to great lengths to suppress my academic research.Â
Peter McIntyre has been given a platform to spread false information about my PhD research in the Australian mainstream media.
Here is my response to the false information provided by McIntyre, Burgess, Leask, and Wiley in the VaccineJournal in February 2019.
Since my PhD was completed in 2015 the Australian government has used many strategies to denigrate my research with false information. In particular, former director/deputy of 20 years of the government NCIRS, Peter McIntyre, has presented:
i) Lies in the mainstream media about my PhD research on the control of infectious diseases in Australia.Â
ii) He has supported 60 UOW academics in the UOW Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health to sign their names to the government’s claims about vaccines without ever having researched or debated these claims for themselves.
iii) He has refused to debate his claims in public forums including at the University of Technology Sydney in 2015 before NJNPay was implemented in Federal legislation.
iV) He has been associated with the leaking of an expert witness affidavit in a Federal Circuit court case in Queensland in September 2018 – a federal crime punishable by up to one year in jail. Peter McIntyre was drafted into this vaccination case at the same time as my affidavit was leaked to the mainstream media and Peter McIntyre provided false information in this media article in which the journalist quoted from my affidavit.Â
v) A leader of the SAVN industry-lobby group, Dr. John Cunningham, made fabricated allegations about my Master of Science research on the whooping cough vaccine in the mainstream media in 2014. This research is published unchanged on my website because this lobby group activist did not provide any evidence to support his allegations.   Â
Here is my recent interview with David Crowe in the US titled ‘The Infectious Myth – Judy Wilyman on Vaccines and the Censorship of the Vaccination Debate in Australia’. This interview describes clearly why it is necessary to censor this debate in Australia as the government attempts to introduce mandatory vaccination policies.
Vaccines were not the main factor in controlling infectious diseases in developed countries. This issue is a public health issue, not a medical issue, and the contribution that vaccines have played in preventing and creating disease in the community has not been systematically determined.Â
That is, doctors and governments cannot provide you with a risk assessment of each vaccine because they have never set up a systemative (active not passive) surveillance system to determine causal links between adverse events (AE’s) and vaccines (or for the combined schedule of vaccines). Â
Hence they will use the unscientific claim that adverse-events are simply a ‘coincidence’ when they occur after vaccination. Parents should not accept this lack of science and they must demand that a transparent risk/benefit assessment of the vaccines and the combined schedule of vaccines is provided before any vaccine is mandated in the community. That is, a policy that is based on scientific evidence and that addresses the diverse genetics of the population.
Judy Wilyman PhD
Bachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Wollongong.
PhD in A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy’  (the science, politics and ethics of Australia’s vaccination policies) , UOW School of Humanities and Social Inquiry.
Website Vaccination DecisionsÂ
Judy Wilyman’s talk at Living Well in WA Expo 1.30pm Sunday 19th May
Silver Jubilee Pavilion at Claremont Showground Exhibition CentreÂ