What WOMEN Must Know – The Tao of Rejuvenation for Women 


– an interview with  Angelo Druda and Dr Sherrill Sellman.


An old country woman first showed Angelo the medicinal power of herbs in 1970 in upstate New York. Thus began a botanical study that has still not come to end.   Angelo is a certified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a senior educator in Mate Moce – the Ministry established by the  spiritual teacher Adi Da Samraj to instruct and serve human beings about the death process. Angelo’s seminars about ancient rejuvenation practices and the death process have been offered all over the world. He is the author of The Tao of Rejuvenation: Fundamental Principles of Health, Longevity and Essential Wellbeing. 

Listen Here https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-4mjaz-10e93e5
Questions explored in the interview …
1. from a TCM perspective what is rejuvenation?
2. What are the fundamental principles of health and  longevity?
3. Let’s talk about women, can you explain the TCM understanding what happens at perimenopause and menopause and beyond
4. What contributes to PMS?
5. How best to boost immunity?

A Woman Wise Radio Program with Dr. Sherrill
Dr. Sherrill brings you a life-changing show about the many safe and effective holistic perspectives and solutions for men and women’s health matters.

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