WWOOF’s 38th year in Australia!


WWOOF is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchanges, helping to build a sustainable global community.

Many WWOOF hosts have been part of our program for 30 years or more and have seen their farms grow and develop with the help of many WWOOFers. We also have WWOOFers who re-join every year and spend holidays helping on WWOOF host properties each year. Lifelong bonds of friendship have been created between Hosts and WWOOFers and between WWOOFers who have met up and travelled together. Hosts travel overseas and meet up with their WWOOFers, who delight in the opportunity to show hosts their own piece of the world.

It is the people and their passion for organic, permaculture, bio dynamics and overall a sustainable lifestyles who make WWOOF a success. We have shared laughter and tears with hosts and WWOOFers, it has enriched our lives and filled our hearts. The love and laughter they share and the relationships they develop can be life changing for many hosts and WWOOFers. Over the years we have heard so very many wonderful stories of great friendships, love, weddings, families of WWOOFers going to visit favorite hosts and hosts visiting their WWOOFers in the far flung reaches of the world. Children of hosts have grown up with an international family of WWOOFers giving them an insight into life beyond the farm gates.

WWOOFing promotes learning about organic, biodynamic and permaculture practices, sustainable farming and environmental rehabilitation. Many of our hosts are involved in Landcare and Land for Wildlife organisations throughout Australia.

WWOOFers have the opportunity gain the following from their WWOOFing experience:

    • A greater understanding of Organic/Biodynamic and/or Permaculture methods.
    • An appreciation of sustainability and why this is important.
    • An understanding of where their food and other farm produce comes from and how it is produced in an environmentally friendly way.
    • Opportunities to learn a diverse range of new skills.
    • A greater understanding of living lightly on the planet.
    • An insight into rural Australian life.
    • An experience of parts of Australia that most tourists don’t see (often the best parts!).
    • A connection with people from a different culture that may lead to lifelong friendships.
    • Travel that treads lightly on the planet, offsetting their carbon footprint as they travel.
    • Extend their travel budget, saving money on food and accommodation expenses.
    • Opportunities to improve their English skills.

WWOOF Hosts benefit from the WWOOF Program in a number of ways, including the following:

    • Assistance with the labour intensive aspects of Organic farming.
    • Help with special projects requiring several people to complete, many hands make light work.
    • The opportunity to express their passion and ideals about their way of life to their WWOOFers.
    • New ideas and techniques that WWOOFers often bring with them from other WWOOF Host experiences and from their own culture.
    • An opportunity to mix with people from all over the world, learn about their cultures, their foods and make long lasting friendships. As one Host says, “I get to travel the world from the comfort of my own farm!”
    • Opportunities to show off the wonders of their local area to their WWOOFers.
    • Social interaction and cultural exchanges for themselves and their children who sometimes live in very isolated area.
    • Opportunities to learn or practice languages other than English.

We are offering anyone who joins WWOOF Australia as a WWOOFer or a host during or part of the Conscious Living Expo WWOOF Australia will add 3 months FREE onto your 12months membership using the Code: ConsciousLiving Go to www.wwoof.com.au and join today.


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