April 2021 Astrology with Francis Bevan

Happy Easter everyone. Take a break, enjoy the sunshine (or rain) and make time to be with your family, and share in the joy of living. We can always find Lady Luck’s hidden gems if we look. 

Full Moon - April 27th Scorpio.
New Moon - April 12th Aries.

Mercury in April 6th – April 20th

Conjuncts the Sun, Venus, Sextiles Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and Squares Pluto.

The witty planet Mercury enters the aggressive sign of Aries making you quick an impulsive in your decision making.  Which at times will be quick and impulsive and at times making you rash, as you will tend to not think before you speak.  You will be spontaneous in your reactions, which will make you appear overly confident and outspoken.  You will be impatient during this transit and if you are not careful it will lead to conflicts and power struggles.  Your desire to tell it as it is and to be direct in your speech will not be appreciated by everyone. 

April Stars

                  ARIES: March 21st – April 20th

Happy Birthday Aries!  You are in an outgoing, exuberant mood, ready to take the initiative and to put plans into action. You have a renewed self-confidence and energy, rather than sit around waiting for things to happen, you will want to speed up your life, however, your ability to put your foot in your mouth is not going to help you win friends and influence people. To avoid issues in your closest relationships filter what you say otherwise be prepared for those you love to swipe left when it comes to wanting to spend time with you. The Full Moon on the 27th warns you to be careful in all financial, contractual, and legal matters. The New moon on the 12th puts you in a competitive mood determined to beat everyone else to the finishing line. 

                TAURUS: April 21st – May 21st

You are going to have to be careful of what you say, in case you reveal something that you’ve been trying to keep secret.  Anything that has been previously swept under the carpet to keep it hidden from others will soon come to light, so expect some embarrassing revelations any time soon. Trying to please other people is going to be challenging and you are not in a mood to consider anyone else’s needs so go off and do your own thing. The Full Moon on the 27th is a strange time with relationships and you are likely to lose your patience with your loved ones.   The New Moon on the 12th indicates that this is an ideal time to take steps to improve your health.  

                GEMINI: May 22nd – June 21st

Your social life is about to gain momentum and friends will keep you busy.  You’ll take a great deal of comfort and pleasure from being with people who are kindred spirits.  You are intrigued by how other people’s minds work; they’re being very inventive, and it’s got you intrigued. You will also have some clever ideas on solving problems and with a little lateral thinking and ingenuity, you will be coming up with some brain waves.  The Full Moon on the 27th indicates that old grievances and resentments are likely to cause havoc unless you address them.  The New Moon on the 12th indicates that people who haven’t been very cooperative lately will start to be more helpful.

                CANCER: June 22nd – July 22nd

There is a strong emphasis on your ambitions and career. So, put on your thinking cap and jot down your ideas.  Although it will help to discuss your plans with others, learn to use discretion in all your dealings.  This is the perfect time for pushing ahead with a brand-new venture as you will get all the support you need, and new business contact will be very helpful.  The Full Moon on the 27th indicates that children and teenagers are going to be a source of frustration and you will need to work off anger with some elbow grease. The New Moon on the 12th indicates that you will have the backing of some of the people who you admire and respect.  They have some interesting information for you, and you will know you’ve got their backing. Also, it should be delightfully easy to hit off with your colleagues.

                LEO: July 23rd – August 23rd

The focus is on higher education, foreign affairs, and long-distance travelling.  Possibly some of you are off on an early holiday and others may be booking a holiday for later in the year. If you are studying, you should not have any difficulty passing exams.  If you have something legal on the boil, good news is just around the corner. The Full Moon on the 27th indicates that you need to be careful how you handle things on the home and family front, as it appears that you may not be prepared to accept anyone else’s point of view but your own!   The New Moon on the 12th indicates that you will feel drawn to the explore the world and to learn about religious or philosophical subjects.  

               VIRGO: August 24th – September 23rd

You will be looking into ways to improve your finances.  Chatting to someone who is knowledgeable and more experienced could give you a brainwave. Be wary of power struggles coming from within your family.  It appears someone is desperate to assert their independence and they won’t care how they go about it.  If you put your foot down this situation could erupt into a full – blown row.  The Full Moon on the 27th indicates that a friend may be a bit of a loose cannon as you don’t know what is going to come out of their mouth next.  You may be worried that they are going to reveal one of your deep dark secrets.  The New Moon on the 12th indicates that it is worth your while to focus on improving your relationships with those you are financially and emotionally dependent upon. 

                LIBRA: September 24th – October 23rd

Whether you are warming up a new relationship or reheating an old one, the planets are going to help you to get things going in the right direction. So, grab the chance to turn over a new leaf with someone you know very well.  Maybe you’ve been taking each other for granted recently, in which case you now want to woo them all over again.  You will be able to get your ideas across to others easily and they will be happy to take on any tasks you ask of them.  The Full Moon on the 27th falls directly in your financial zone warning you to be very careful in all monetary dealings. Something on a property basis may need to be repaired and it could be costly.   The New Moon on the 12th indicates that love is on the agenda and all dealing with your other half will make you happy.  

                SCORPIO: October 24th – November 22nd

 The planets are focusing on your working life and indicate a time to call a halt to any activity that isn’t bringing you sufficient satisfaction.  If your health is troubling you it’s time to get the problem resolved once and for all.  Ignoring the situation is not going to make it go away. If you have any fears on this score, then surely, it’s better to check everything out if only to set your mind at rest.  Perhaps the only true cure for health worries and work concerns is a complete change of thinking. The Full Moon on the 27th falls directly in your own sign creating a tense time on the emotional front.  It’s high time you had a good talk with your partner, in order to bring hidden resentments and frustrations out into the open. The New Moon on the 12th is the ideal time for all do it yourself jobs both at home and at work.

                SAGITTARIUS: November 23rd – December 21st

You are in the mood for fun and shopping and the thought of going to the sales and picking up a few bargains is almost impossible to resist.  The trouble is that you could wind up spending more than you intended, but at least you will have a good time.  Romance is in the air and someone you chat to on a regular basis may take you by surprise by suddenly admitting feelings of love for you.  This may delight you or embarrass you depending on who it is and how they tell you. The Full Moon on the 27th puts you in an edgy mood and other people’s anxieties will have a way of rubbing off on you.  So, if you want peace, the try to steer clear of moaners. The New Moon on the 12 is an ideal time to do something for your children or lover that under normal circumstances, you would never have agreed to at all.   

                CAPRICORN: December 22nd - January 20th

You may come up with a sensible way of increasing the value of your home and this may set you off on a course of building or renovating.  Any ideas of this kind could come from an acquaintance or from an unusual source. A lot of tension can be dissipated on the home and domestic front, as the planets provide you with a good opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings, sort out any confused thinking and get more mobile. Short trips that lead to happy meetings are also favourable.     The Full Moon on the 27th indicates you need to watch your words, because as quickly as you open your mouth, you will manage to offend somebody. The New Moon on the 12th indicates that love can show itself and many different forms and it is in love and devotion from family that truly counts.

                AQUARIUS: January 21st – February 19th

Your curiosity is massively stimulated as Mercury activates the area of your chart devoted to communication.  Other people’s business suddenly becomes your own.  That’s not to say that you become a busy body, it’s just that many will turn to you for guidance.  Affairs in the lives of your brothers, sisters and neighbours have extra importance now. The Full Moon on the 27th puts you in a go-ahead mood career wise, however you need to be careful of acting impulsively and stepping on toes of important people. The New Moon on the 12th is a positive time for short trips and dealing with important documents.

                PISCES: February 20th – March 20th

Your financial prospects take an upturn as Mercury enters your house of finances.  The next month should see an improvement in your economic security.  It may be that you need to lay plans to ensure maximum profit, but don’t expect any swift returns for investments but lay down a pattern for future growth.  Sensible monetary decisions made now will pay off in a big way later.  The Full Moon on the 27th indicates that you long for freedom, for romance and for the perfect excuse to be yourself but the chores and responsibilities keep piling up and calling your name.  The New Moon in Pisces on the 12th suggests you may doubt the dose of good luck you receive as too good to be true, but you must learn to have faith and trust in yourself.

Courtesy of Francis Bevan
Read more www.francisbevan.com




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